Tuesday, July 6, 2010

J's First (Original) Joke

"I want granola."
"Can you ask nicely? Can you say 'please'?"
"I don't want to say 'please'. You say 'please'."
"Umm, ok. Please."
"You're a policeman!"

In other news, J knows how to hold a guitar correctly and loves to play it (though it only has 3 strings and it's out of tune). He was playing it today on a Skype call to Grandma and Grandpa.
"Are you strumming the guitar?" (I taught him the word for strumming the other day).
"No! No! I'm not strumming! Not strumming!"
"Okay, okay. What are you doing then?"
"I'm moving my fingers like this." (wiggling his fingers, picking the strings)
"You're fingerpicking!"
For the record, I never taught him about fingerpicking. He figured it out by watching, I guess.

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