Sunday, February 10, 2008

Slight complications - 35 W

We went to the doctor's office Wednesday for a routine checkup. I had planned to take the day off work - I went to the gym in the morning, and was planning to set up a baby registry in the afternoon, after the appointment. I knew they were going to check my amniotic fluid levels at the appointment, because they had looked borderline low at my last ultrasound.

They check the fluid levels by ultrasound, so I figured at least we would get to see the baby again and confirm that he was head down and getting into position for delivery. The ultrasound technician spent a lot of time trying to capture his face on the monitor, and we got a few glimpses that looked less zombie-like than before. We also confirmed that he was a boy.

After the ultrasound, we went back to the doctor to discuss the results. She told us the fluid levels were very low, and that we would have to go straight to the hospital, where I would be put in an IV to make sure I was hydrated. They would do another sonogram there, and see whether the fluid levels increased - if not, we might have to induce labor right away. I was somewhat in shock, and so glad that Aaron was with me. As we drove to the hospital, I wondered whether we'd be coming back with our baby.

We got to our hospital, and I spent several hours on an IV. There were some moments where I felt that we should be in a sitcom, what with dealing with nurses who only spoke spanish, and who kept thinking that we were there to deliver the baby *right away.* They told Aaron to change his clothes, and I thought there must be some misunderstanding - he doesn't need any special clothing to watch me get an IV inserted! Later, they kept asking if I was there for "parto" or "cesario" - labor or c-section. No no no no no, just observacion please! Anyway, the fluid levels seemed to go back up with the IV, and I was kept on it overnight. I've been on bedrest since Thursday, and I have another appointment tomorrow to check how things are looking. I've been drinking almost 2 gallons a day and hoping to give our little guy plenty of room to swim around.

Before this happened, I'd spent lots of time thinking about the labor and birth experiences, and hoping for a natural childbirth without induction or pain killers. I still have that goal - go into labor naturally, and let my body do its thing. But my secondary goal right now is to make it to 36 weeks (1 more week) before being induced, to avoid a c-section if at all possible, and to end up with a healthy baby. The birthing process itself seems much less important.

We are scrambling to prepare our house for the possibility that we will have a baby much sooner than expected. In a way, it is exciting - we would meet our baby so much sooner! But I still hope that everything looks normal tomorrow and we go back to planning for a due date of March 15.

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