Thursday, February 14, 2008


I had followup appointments Monday and Wednesday, where fluid levels still looked borderline low. Yesterday, I was at the doctor for 9 hours, doing various ultrasounds and tests, and it looks like the baby is doing well despite the low fluid levels. I went into the day thinking there was a good chance I'd be hospitalized, so I was very happy to end up spending the evening at home. My next appointment is next Wednesday, at which point I will be 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant. By that point, if levels remain low, the doctors might push induction a little more, because baby will be very close to full term (technically 37 weeks). But it's good to know that he gets another week of development, and I get a week of not worrying.

It has been emotionally draining waking up every few days and thinking "I might have a baby today." I guess that's how most women feel around their due dates, but to have that every day starting at 33 weeks has been stressful. Last night I got the first full night's sleep I've had in a while.

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