Monday, November 26, 2007

Another update

I suppose I should mention my other news, which is that I recently found out that I passed the California bar exam. Big relief! This is not technically baby-related, so it is out of keeping with the blog theme, except that if I failed, I had determined that I would blame the unborn blue child. While I was taking the exam, I was in the middle of the first trimester, and I was ready to fall asleep at any moment. None of that typical exam-day adrenaline. But fortunately the baby does not need to start life with that guilt on his conscience!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thankful - 24W

I was going to write a very uplifting post about how great the second trimester has been. The little guy has been kicking a lot more, which is so cool, and I've been able to go to the gym a lot, which always puts me in a good mood. I worked out almost every day over Thanksgiving (of course, my version of a "workout" is much more limited now, but still, it felt great). And I've been having lots of dreams about the baby, and they are all good, and they help me get excited that he'll be coming in a matter of months. So I have a lot to be thankful for.

However. I just went for a walk to get lunch, and all of a sudden, I was so tired I could barely make it up the stairs to my apartment. I spent all day yesterday on the couch doing nothing (well, watching an America's Next Top Model marathon on TV), and I was hoping that I would feel super energetic today, and instead, I think I need a nap. I hate how suddenly things seem to change during pregnancy.

Stats: according to the internet, the baby is now about a foot long, and weighs a pound and a quarter. I have gained about 17 pounds total. And here's a picture of me, at 24 weeks. I definitely look pregnant! (and very tired - this picture was taken at 6 am before I left for the airport on my way from Boston to San Juan).

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Todo bien

I went to the doctor again today, and everything looked good. For the first time, I saw the little guy move on the ultrasound while feeling him move inside me. The results from the detailed ultrasound came back normal - everything looks good, the baby has a slightly big head and slightly short limbs (already taking after his dad) and otherwise looks perfect for his age.

I was officially half way there a week ago, but that seems a little silly to me, since they measure pregnancy from the first day of your last menstrual period. So for the first two weeks of this pregnancy, the little dude was not yet in existence at all, and for the first four weeks, I didn't know I was pregnant. Now, it is actually 19 weeks past conception, so half-way to the birth. The baby is the size of a carrot, and weighs 3/4 of a pound. I am much bigger than a carrot, and have gained 16 pounds so far - if that turns out to be half the total, I'd be fine, but I think the weight gain is much greater in the second two trimesters. We shall see. (I'm still several pounds smaller than I was during my "fat phase" in college, so it is easy for me not to freak out about this.) For now - todo bien.

(Pic coming soon!)