Monday, October 22, 2007

It's a boy!

It turns out the baby has surprised everyone (except my brother). We did the full sonogram today, and everything looks normal so far (we see the doctor about the detailed results in a few weeks). the baby has a spine (not a mollusk!), a four-chambered heart (not a reptile!), two eyes (not a cyclops!). Also, it has a tiny penis, so we need to start thinking of some boy names... Somehow we were both convinced that it was a girl, so we were very surprised when the ultrasound technician pointed it out, but we are certainly thrilled to be having a son, and thrilled to have a pronoun to use instead of "it". He looks good, I feel good, it's been a good day.


bpj said...

how funny - i hadn't realized it, but i'd thought she was a girl too. guess i'll have to get used to little mister spargles. how exciting!

Unknown said...

I'm wishing all the best for you and your wonderful blue family. This could give real meaning to "I'm in Love with a Big Blue Frog." The mysteries are just beginning.
Love, Cindy

sarah said...

Thanks Cindy! It's good to hear from you. Stay tuned for more news!
love, Sarah