Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Two months less one day

It is January 16, and I am seven months and one day pregnant. I had a doctor's appointment today that revealed that the uterus is still measuring small, but I have decided not to freak out about that like I did last time. I can feel the baby in there, and he/she is starting to get noticeable body parts (I think I can tell the difference between head, body, and legs), and I just can't worry too much if it is measuring an inch smaller than it is supposed to. As my friend K. pointed out, the baby's dad is very much on the small end of average, so if baby ends up being on the small end, it makes sense (plus it might make for an easier delivery!)

I'm still feeling pretty good. Every now and then I overdo it and start feeling totally exhausted and need to lie down in the middle of the day. One of those times was when we tried to go baby shopping at Wal Mart (the only accessible discount store in PR). The traffic, the parking, the long lines, the schlepping, all completely exhausted me, plus we didn't even end up buying anything. Ugh. So we have decided to stick with slightly more upscale places that do not make me decide that the baby needs to stay in my belly forever because I just can't stand shopping for it.

My weight gain has slowed down considerably (I am + 26 pounds now, will probably end up gaining something in the low 30s). But it is getting harder and harder to lug myself up and down the 76 steps to my apartment every day. Sorry for the lack of pics - I've been a delinquent about uploading from my camera - but I will post some in the next few days.

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