We went to the doctor for the first time today, and heard the heartbeat and got an ultrasound picture. The story behind the blog title is that my friend C had a dream that we found out we were having a blue child and were really excited about it. Hopefully the baby won't turn out blue - right now it seems to be mostly see-through - but if it is blue, we'll try to roll with the punches.
Hearing the heartbeat and seeing the ultrasound was really incredibly moving. I started sobbing on the table. It is starting to feel real.
HOOOOOOOORAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! blue or see-through or pink or whatever, i'm a fan of this baby already.
Wow, a very little niece/nephew! Amazing!
Oh yay!!! The coloring on the ultrasound definitely doesn't hurt the myth, but at least we know s/he can do quite well as a pop musician/performance artist! ;-D
This blog is awesome because your baby is more awesome! Thanks for doing this!
People should read this.
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