Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jbirds and the Bees

Today, apropos of nothing...

J: E was in Mama's belly. How did she get there?
A: mhmm... wha?
J: How did E get in Mama's belly?
A: Well, ahh.. hm... you see...
S: Daddy put her there.
J: How?
S: um...
A: (to S) Should we really... ?
S: (to A) I guess so.
A: With a penis.
J: (giggles)
A: Yeah. Seems unlikely. Yet true.
J: hahaha... say it, say it again where you say how you put E there!
A: With a penis?
J: Yeah! hahaha! With a penis! I want to see!
A: Oh boy. No, hands to yourself, please.
S: It's private. Like with the potty. It's something a mommy and a daddy... well, usually a mommy and a daddy... do in private.
J: I have a penis! I want to put a baby in E's belly!
A: Oh god.
S: You can't do that. E is just a baby. You can't put a baby in a baby's belly.
J: Ok. Hahaha! Penis!

I'm pretty sure he thinks this is just a big joke. Also: feeling trepidation regarding forthcoming daycare conversations.